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100 Epic Days

100 epic days Leeanne Brennan

100 Epic Days is a 4-month mindset and accountability program to start and get consistent with a daily creative practice or personal project!

100 epic days enroll

Do you...

REFUSE to go another year with no personal work to show for it?


REFUSE to let the pressure of creating something "good" hold you back?


REFUSE to feel alone in the challenge of overcoming life's limitations to create personal work? 


Me too! That's Why I Created 100 Epic Days    

This program was developed from my own experience as a mom of 2 young children balancing a day job with my desire to create personal illustration after a 10 year hiatus! I waited that long because I had convinced myself it was impossible.

Pulling from my struggles and triumphs getting back into my own personal creative practice, and years of experience in my day job as a video producer solving never-ending puzzles with enormous constraints, I developed a unique method that allows you to move through resistance, get back into the flow with your creativity and finish what you start!

me and baby drawing



Tiny Action Over Time = Magic!

How does 100 Epic Days work? Everyone picks 1 creative goal that they want to focus on for their 100 days. This could be a daily creative practice that is more open-ended, such as drawing daily, or it could be a concrete personal project with a beginning and end, like writing a children's book.

Through just 20 min. a day of creating with the support of this program you will be absolutely amazed at what you accomplish! You will learn how to overcome your unique life circumstances, and build the self-trust to chip away at your goal little by little each day.

I'm here to show you the way and hold you accountable for 100 Epic Days so that you can have your best year yet, without the grind!


In just 20 min. a day...


ANGIE - Created and published a custom journal on Amazon!

CARIN - Wrote 100 short stories which reignited her love for creative writing!

AINSLEY - Composed music every day to get back in the flow with her music career!

SHU - Completed her first children's book after 20 years of wanting to get it started!

AMANDA - Deepened her self-worth through daily self-care and photography

STEPHANIE - Got in the flow painting daily after a 12 year hiatus! 

...and so many more!


Listen to all of these success stories here 






The week prior to our official start date, we'll gather together as a group on Zoom to prep your mind and space for our 100 days, set your intentions, and meet each other!



Enjoy an active community of like-minded creatives all marching together to focus on a creative practice or personal project. There is a daily check-in post from day 1-100 where you share the progress you made each day, and I am there to cheer you on! Your voice will be heard and the camaraderie of others going through the same journey together will hold you accountable to follow through no matter what life throws your way!



Twice a month we gather as a group on Zoom to share. I'll help you move through any resistance, reflect and integrate how you are changing and who you are becoming by doing your daily creative act! 



15 video lessons + worksheets to dispel limiting beliefs around time and creation, tailor your process to fit your hectic life, and get best practices that will allow you to slip into effortless flow state.



Celebrate, reflect and plan your next steps, After our 100 days we will gather for a celebration ceremony and the following week reflect with journaling exercises to plan our next steps.



enroll in 100 epic days here



"100 Epic Days was genuinely a life-changing experience. It helped me uproot my perfectionist attitude that was getting my creative projects nowhere and seeded in its place an attitude of appreciation for the creative journey. Thus, after over a decade of struggling to just start a children's book, in 100 days I have one written, thumbnailed, and half-illustrated! Amazing! Aside from that, the things I've learned have informed success in other areas of my life as well, like a healthier dedication to my physical health. I'm so, so, so, so, so happy that I had an opportunity to join this program! Thank you, Leeanne!"
Hannah England, Illustrator & Author

 Listen to Hannah's podcast episode here

"I had wanted to create an interactive journal for about 18 months and I just couldn't seem to get it going. I decided to join 100 Epic Days to get the accountability and be with a group of people that were also looking to create. Doing 100 Epic Days helped me to stay focused and create a new habit of doing a project for 20 mins a day even when I had a crazy busy day. I feel so proud of myself for sticking with it and completing my journal!"
Angie Bergen, Health & Wellness Coach


"After making it through 100 Epic Days, I feel like a blanket of fear has been lifted off of me. There is an ease to composing music that I certainly didn’t have before. For me, this is just the beginning, and I never would have gotten here without committing to 100 Epic Days and seeing it through to the end!" 

Ainsley Matich, Musician, Composer, Songwriter

Listen to Ainsley's podcast interview here!



"100 Epic Days gave me the kick in the butt I needed to keep a long-time-coming promise to myself to make art again. I successfully finished 2 oil paintings (after not touching oil paint for 12 years) and COUNTLESS sketches. I feel so grateful for Leeanne guiding me through to the end!"
Stephanie Bednarz, Artist 
"I had been wanting to return to a consistent music practice for a long time, but a demanding day job and negative self-talk always seemed to get in the way. 100 Epic Days helped me to realign to what was possible given my constraints, and finally regain my confidence as a musician. In this program I built a heightened sense of self-awareness, refined my processes, and know exactly what needs to happen next with the album I’m working on! The experience was incredible!"
Elena Siegman, Musician
shu testimonial
"100 Epic Days motivated me to complete and publish the first of my children's books. This book idea had been up in my loft (in two different countries) for over 20 YEARS! Leeanne, you'll never know how much you kept me on track, and I'll never be able to thank you enough."
Shu, Artist

cherry testimonial
"Since I was a kid I loved creating, but as an adult I never made time for it.  At the end of my 100 days I felt not only that I had grown in my artistic skills, I am also finally able to call myself an artist! Oh, and I am not stopping creating daily!! Thank you Leeanne for showing up for yourself and in turn for us! I am so appreciative of your leadership and cheerleading!"
Cherry Crooks, Artist

Amanda testimonial

"A few things make 100 Epic Days unique compared to other things I have done. First it's 100 days - long enough for us to make real headway and gain trust in ourselves to show up everyday. Second, Leeanne shares daily her own journey with us, both struggles and triumphs, along the way which helps give us insights into what we are experiencing as well. Really powerful!"


Amanda Ianthe Greene, Author / Artist

Listen to Amanda's podcast episode here


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If you've been wanting to get consistent with your creative practice or complete a personal project...

this program will shift your mindset on how to get your creative work done and the accountability from myself and the others in the group will help you not only stay the course, but FINALLY, ACTUALLY, DEFINITELY get comfortable finishing what you start, even with your hectic day! 



Let's activate our creativity!





I want to do this, but I have NO time!

This is EXACTLY why I made this program. It was literally developed out of my need to figure out a way to be creative while my 6 month old had me up all night nursing every 2 hours, I was in charge of managing my daughter's virtual school and and endless mountain of to-do's. Picking a goal that's easy and gently stepping back into your creativity will give you more energy and life than you can imagine!


I wouldn't call myself a "Creative" but I want to do this!

Join us no matter how you classify yourself! This word encompasses any activity where you are expressing yourself from your heart. This is a welcoming space to get in the flow and make epic progress together!


Is the Community on Facebook?

No, the community part of this program is run on Circle, which is a community platform. You can access it via a web browser, and they also have an app for both the iPhone and Android.


What time are the live Zoom calls?

The group Zoom calls are twice a month and they will alternate between 11am EST and 8pm EST. Replays will always be available. Don't let this hold you back from joining us if you can't make the session live. There were MANY people during past rounds who did not attend a single live session. They watched the replays on their own time and followed up in the community. They all said they still got the insane connection, support and transformation they came for!



What is the time commitment?

The creative goal that you pick for your 100 days should take 20 min. or less to complete each day. Of course you can always do more if you'd like. There is a private community with a daily thread to post what you did each day and support others in the group if you would like, which should only take a few minutes. The live Zoom check-in calls are held twice a month and last 1 hour each.


I love the sound of 100 Epic Days, but would also like private work

With pay-in-full you get a private 1:1 session with Leeanne. She is also open to private coaching options for those looking for an extra level of support. Please email at with your request.


What happens after I make my first payment?

You will be sent a welcome email within 24 hours of enrolling in the program. Details will follow as we get closer to the start date.


I'm afraid of making such a big investment, but I really want to do this, what should I do?

I totally understand the investment fear. Jumping off this cliff is a big deal, but I promise it is worth it! Check out the testimonials above to learn how so many people's lives have been transformed because of 100 Epic Days. Also, listen to The Creative Threshold Podcast to hear first hand success stories! What you learn about your creative process and how to fit it into your impossible day is learning that stays with you for a lifetime! This investment will carry you through to your beautiful creative life just like it has for me and so many others! 


I have a question you didn't answer here, what should I do?

I am happy to answer your questions! you can email me at or DM me on Instagram @createwithleeanne

100 epic days enroll here



Join me for 100 Epic Days!