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Pre-order the Endless Soul Money Deck

Epic Start

epic start course Leeanne Brennan life coach for creatives artists writers and musicians

Self-paced course to start your daily creative practice or personal project!


A roadmap for simplicity & ease


I slugged through 10 YEARS of not making personal artwork...and it almost destroyed me. I had convinced myself it was impossible...because I was viewing creativity through the lens of who I used to be.

Pulling from my struggles and triumphs getting back into my own personal creative practice, and years of experience in my day job as a video producer solving never-ending puzzles with enormous constraints, I've crafted a unique, simple method that allows artists, writers, musicians, and other creative souls to ditch the overwhelm, feel empowered, and get started!

What's included in this course:



Step-by-step lessons that will allow you to break through any fear, doubt or intimidation with your creative practice or personal project, pick your creative goal, make an action plan that works for YOUR specific life circumstances, and get you in the flow with your personal work once and for all! 



Fully integrate each lesson with worksheets that will help you map out all that you are learning, and craft a plan that makes sense for you and your unique creative goals



After the foundational learning in the modules, I will take you through the first 10 days of your creative practice or project in a pre-recorded 10 day countdown. Each day, there will be a transmission of what to expect in terms of how you will be feeling moving through your first 10 days, and tendencies that are bound to pop up as you start this new creative act.


"Leeanne is a creative trailblazer that will map the path of courage and enthusiasm to inspire any artist or creative who’s challenged by the chaos of everyday time management and self doubt."
- Nicole Scafiddi, Photographer 
"I learned so much, and have an action plan for where I’m headed next. I feel more confident and clear headed about the big picture of my art and business. I highly recommend Leeanne!"


- Leslie Bishko, Artist / Educator

"The most valuable piece in working with Leeanne has been how I have accepted that now is my time to create! I’ve spent so much time dreaming about it, and now I walk in the shoes of the woman I’ve always intended to be. Leeanne is a glorious muse who is leading us to our greatness, one day at a time."

- Jessica JoyBubble, Artist / Healing Arts Facilitator


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If you've been wanting to start your creative goals... 

This course will change how you view yourself, what is possible, and FINALLY get your creative goals off the ground.


Let's activate our creativity! 




I wouldn't call myself a "creative," but I want to do this.

This course is for you no matter how you classify yourself or where you are at in your journey. This word "Creative" encompasses any activity where you are desiring to express yourself.


How much does it cost?

To get the course, it is a one-time payment of $397. 


What platform is the course on?

The course is housed on a community / course platform called Circle. You can access it via a web browser, and they also have an app for both the iPhone and Android.


Can you share a breakdown of the modules?

1. Uncover your clues

2. Say goodbye to your past self

3. How to pick your idea

4. Scope & plan - part 1

5. Scope & Plan - part 2

6. Identify & unblock limiting beliefs

7. Make your implementation intention

8. Set your action levels

9. Permission, boundaries & barriers

10. Leverage your mind during unexpected times

11. Custom affirmations

12. Procrastination is part of the process

13. Asking for help

14. It all gets to count

15. How to use the tracker


What is the time commitment?

Each video lesson is less than 25 minutes long. All total, there is approx. 3.5 hours of content in this course. I would leave additional time to fill out the worksheets, and decide what you would like to pick for your creative goal. In the course, I recommend that your baseline day of actually doing your creative act is 20 minutes or less each day.


I love the sound of this course, but I really need LIVE accountability

No problem! Check out my 4-month mindset & accountability group program, 100 Epic Days! I also offer 1:1 coaching sessions.


What happens after I buy the course?

You will be sent a welcome email via Circle to set up your account. Once you do that, all of the content will be available and ready for you!


I have a question you didn't answer here, what should I do?

I am happy to answer your questions! you can email me at or DM me on Instagram @epic_bones